Monday, July 6, 2009

July 5

Everything has its Pros and Cons. It's a natural fact of life that almost nothing can be completely good without some type of negative side-effect. It reminds one of podracer parts. Oh yes, the nostalgia of star wars pod racers. I remember buying a used part for Anakin's racer and noticing that the twofold increase in speed damaged the vehicle's cooling capabilities.
I'll admit...I'm not fully content with my physical body's capabilities. I'm grateful that I'm not handicapped and can move around relatively freely, but the simple fact is that I'm kinda scrawny. Hey, in this American culture, everyone is so worried about being too fat. Look around, there's weight watchers, Jenny Craig, and thousands of other weight loss programs out there. What about those unfortunate ones who weigh too little?'s rather discouraging when someone who is about six inches shorter than you weighs fifteen pounds more than you and is still considered normal. What does that make me then? According to the doctor, my height and weight are way below average. I'm almost off the growth chart. Just today, the guys in my cluster were talking about how heavy they were. I was 15 pounds lighter than the lightest of them. It was very sad. You'd think that a fully functional mobile suit would at least be equipped with adequate propulsion systems. And for the most part, the orbital frame has served me well. However, it's just discouraging when I have to increase output so much just to keep up with others' cruising speeds.
Nonetheless, today..I am glad that I don't weight too much. Rock climbing at Boomers didn't seem like a good idea at first, but my friend Octavio convinced me to do it. I have a fear of heights. I get goosebumps going off the ten foot tall diving board. Climbing to the top of a flimsy forty foot cliff was crazy, I told myself as I put on the double harness. However, in the end, my light weight served me well. Because I’m so light, I was actually able to make it up to three out of the four sides of the cliff. So, I guess I’m happy.
Surprisingly, this Sunday, the pastor gave a sermon about being happy with who you are…ironic eh? X_X

1 comment:

  1. i'm 5'3 and 102 pounds. im .01% from underweight.
    yea life sucks.
